Today’s Weather 20 august 2024, Across the United States: A State-by-State

Detailed Weather Forecast for August 20, 2024: State-by-State Conditions Across the U.S.

On August 20, 2024, the United States is experiencing a wide array of weather conditions, reflecting the diverse climates that span from coast to coast. From the sunny shores of California to the humid heat of the Southeast, weather patterns are playing out with their usual variety. This report provides a state-by-state overview of today’s weather, highlighting key trends and notable conditions across the nation.

The Northeast is witnessing a pleasant late-summer day with mostly clear skies and mild temperatures. States like New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts are enjoying temperatures in the mid-70s to low 80s°F, making it an ideal day for outdoor activities. However, coastal areas in Maine might experience some morning fog, gradually clearing by midday.

The Mid-Atlantic region, including New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia, is experiencing warm and humid conditions, with temperatures ranging from the mid-80s to low 90s°F. Thunderstorms are expected to develop in the afternoon, particularly in inland areas, potentially bringing heavy rain and localized flooding.

The Southeast is dealing with typical summer heat and humidity. States like Florida, Georgia, and Alabama are seeing temperatures soar into the high 90s°F, with heat indices well over 100°F. Afternoon thunderstorms are likely, especially in Florida, where tropical moisture is contributing to the instability.

The Midwest is experiencing a mix of weather patterns today. Northern states like Michigan and Wisconsin are enjoying cooler, drier conditions with temperatures in the 70s°F. In contrast, states farther south, including Illinois and Missouri, are seeing warmer weather with highs in the upper 80s°F. Scattered thunderstorms are possible in the afternoon, especially in the Ohio Valley.

Great Plains:
The Great Plains are facing a day of extremes. In the northern plains, states like North Dakota and South Dakota are dealing with cooler, windy conditions as a cold front moves through. Meanwhile, in the southern plains, including Kansas and Oklahoma, the weather remains hot and dry, with temperatures reaching the mid-90s°F.

The Southwest is enduring another day of intense heat, particularly in Arizona, Nevada, and southern California, where temperatures are soaring into the triple digits. The region remains under heat advisories, and residents are urged to take precautions against the dangerous conditions. Monsoon moisture is bringing isolated thunderstorms to parts of Arizona and New Mexico, offering brief relief.

Rocky Mountains:
The Rocky Mountain states, including Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana, are experiencing varied conditions today. While the lower elevations are warm with highs in the 80s°F, the mountainous regions are cooler, with a mix of sun and clouds. Afternoon thunderstorms are likely, particularly at higher elevations, potentially leading to flash flooding in some areas.

West Coast:
The West Coast is seeing a typical summer day, with coastal regions like California’s Bay Area enjoying mild temperatures in the 60s and 70s°F. In contrast, inland areas, especially the Central Valley, are much hotter, with highs reaching the upper 90s°F. The Pacific Northwest, including Washington and Oregon, is cooler with overcast skies and occasional drizzle.


August 20, 2024, showcases the vast and varied weather conditions across the United States. From the scorching heat of the Southwest to the pleasant, clear skies of the Northeast, the country is experiencing a full spectrum of summer weather. As always, staying informed and prepared for local conditions is key to navigating the day’s weather safely and comfortably. Whether you’re basking in the sun or seeking shelter from a storm, today’s weather serves as a reminder of the incredible diversity that defines the American landscape.