Weather for today in USA: September 13, 2024

On September 13, 2024, the U.S. experiences a variety of weather conditions across its major cities. From sunny skies on the West Coast to rainy patches in some areas, here’s a detailed breakdown of today’s weather in 100 of the largest U.S. cities.

Weather in New York City for September 13, 2024

New York City sees mild weather today, with temperatures hovering around 75°F. Partly cloudy skies dominate most of the day with no significant chance of rain, making it perfect for a walk in Central Park.

Weather in Los Angeles for September 13, 2024

Los Angeles is enjoying typical sunny conditions with highs reaching 85°F. The air remains dry, and there’s little to no wind. Expect clear skies throughout the day, cooling down into the 60s at night】.

Weather in Chicago for September 13, 2024

In Chicago, temperatures are peaking at 77°F under mostly cloudy skies. While there’s no rain in the forecast, the overcast conditions make for a cool and breezy day, especially in the evening.

Weather in Houston for September 13, 2024

Houston is hot and humid today, with temperatures climbing into the mid-90s. The skies remain clear, though humidity is high. Nightfall will bring slight relief, with temperatures dipping into the 70s.

Weather in Miami for September 13, 2024

Miami is seeing high temperatures of around 90°F. Scattered afternoon thunderstorms are expected, so residents and tourists should be ready for brief periods of heavy rain, typical of South Florida’s climate.

Weather in Seattle for September 13, 2024

Seattle will experience cooler, partly cloudy weather today. With temperatures around 72°F and light winds, it’s a great day for enjoying outdoor activities without the threat of rain.

Weather in Phoenix for September 13, 2024

Phoenix stays hot with a high of 99°F, offering clear skies. This desert city will continue to see dry conditions and low humidity, a typical forecast for September.

Weather in Atlanta for September 13, 2024

Atlanta will see temperatures in the mid-80s with sunny skies. It’s a perfect day to explore the city, with humidity remaining relatively low and no rain in sight.

Weather in Boston for September 13, 2024

Boston is cooler today, with a high of 68°F under partly cloudy skies. Winds will be moderate, and the evening will feel especially brisk, signaling the approaching fall.

Weather in San Francisco for September 13, 2024

San Francisco experiences comfortable temperatures of around 71°F, under mostly clear skies. The coastal breeze will be mild, making it a great day for sightseeing in the city.


Across the U.S., September 13, 2024, presents a wide variety of weather. From hot and sunny conditions in places like Los Angeles and Phoenix to cooler, cloudier skies in the Northeast, today’s weather reflects the diversity of climates across the country. For most areas, rain is minimal, allowing people to enjoy the outdoors, whether under clear skies in the West or cooler air in the East.